General Beadle Building COVID Plan 2020-2021
The following areas will have guidelines for practicing safety in response to COVID:
- Classrooms have designated tables identified by signs
- Spacing every other seat for all students
- Classrooms will stagger time 1-2 minutes and bring students 1 class in line at a time, others sit at the tables if they enter the lunchroom early
- Student line will follow spacing markers on the floors
- Additional tables and chairs added to the lunchroom as needed
- K-1 will not have food choice to help move the lines along quickly
- Student helpers will be identified to support clean up
- Tape will be placed on the floor to support directionality of student movement
- 3rd Tile rule, always walk on the right side, mustang walk along with signs will be utilized for moving students
- Tape on the stairs
Entrance into the Building
- 5th Grade will use North Entrance by room 168
- 4th Grade will use the Picnic Table entrance and back staircase
- 3rd Grade will use the West door by room 128
- 2nd Grade will use the Basketball court doors
- 1st Grade will use the Side/West Door by room 109
- Kindergarten will use garden door entrance
- PreK will use the front doors
- Maps will be provided to families
Dismissal at the Close of the day
- One class at a time exits the building through their designated doors
- All grade levels are designated a door to help manage congestion
- Only 1 class exits the doors at a time
- 5th Grade will use North Entrance by room 168
- 4th Grade will use the Picnic Table entrance and back staircase (do not exit earlier than the bell)
- 3rd Grade will use the Picnic table doors and exit prior to 4th grade coming down (exit prior to the bell)
- 2nd Grade will use the Basketball court doors
- 1st Grade will use the Side/West Door by room 109
- Kindergarten will use garden door entrance
- PreK will use the front doors
- Maps will be provided to families
- Classrooms will take two recesses in-order to have mask breaks (AM/PM)
- Time limit imposed (10-15 minutes) and a set schedule per grade level decision
- Spreadsheet for recess breaks
- No items from home and student helpers will support the cleaning of items
- Spreadsheet for planned class bathroom breaks set per grade level team
- Kindergarten rooms have their own bathrooms will not need to schedule and 1 student/use
- Common bathrooms will have an entrance identifier outside of the bathroom which will limit the use to only 3 students at a time
- The classrooms can accommodate up to 20 students with adequate spacing of about 4-5 feet to social distance students
- The pod areas allow for overflow to also accommodate more students in the building
- Class sizes can be up to 20 students which would allow our school to have students attend every day of the week
- Hand sanitizer will be in all the classrooms
- Teachers can set a safe zone area for themselves as well as students to have a mask break
- Table spaced out about 5-3 feet with chairs on the ends (allowing for 20 students)
- 2 kids per table and tables are about 5 feet apart
- Lockers contain personal space for personal items
- Pass must be used for students to come to the office
- No entry into the office use the window
- Limit students to the office and in the hallways unless it is purposeful
- Students will use desktop to search for books, no wandering to look for books
- Students will only take books home on a student specific request or teacher request
- Books that are returned to the library will be wiped down/sanitized before re-shelfing
Additional Notes:
- Students who attend school on the wrong day will stay at school and have access to learning
- Students will not take-home laptops or iPads until we hit Level 3
- Access to online learning will be available on the off days for students who do not have access to computers at home
- Hardcopy packets will be sent home with K-5th grade students for their off days
- Online learning should be the same as the classroom learning
- Google Classroom is the format for next year. Should it be this year?
- Plan out the first 12 weeks (road mapping for literacy completed in the Spring)
- Road map math
- First four weeks Social Emotional, Conscious Discipline, Daily 5, routine and expectations
- October 5, 2020 start Wonders Curriculum
- Open House outside